Eric Demay is a french cetologist, founder and president of the "Dolphy Observatory" (France) in 1992, for the protection of Dolphy, a solitary dolphin. He created the  GNO TURSIOPS  (France) in 1993. He works with the dolphins since it's first encounters in 1991 with the cetaceans of Bunbury in Australia. He is the author of several books on dolphins and whales in France and in Germany.

Several TV shows have presented his work with the cetaceans. (France, Japan, Australia, Polynesia).

Between 1992 and 1995 he worked for the scientific group, the GECEM (Research Group of Cetaceans in  Mediterranean Sea) as study manager. He lived 24 hours a day with a female dolphin during three years, supervising her and obtaining from her a lot of information about the wild behaviors. He is the first man who study  the sleeping of a wild dolphin.

In 1996, he directed his first documentary "Man and Dolphin" with the famous actor Jean-Marc Barr (THE BIG BLUE) who won the first prize at the International Illkirch Festival in 1997. 
He was the first to talking about the captivity issues in France.

In 2000, the "Oceanographic Institute Embiez" in France asked him  to observe the behaviors of a group of dolphins "stripes dolphins".

In 2012, a female dolphin in the Red Sea (close Hurghada in Egypt) gaves to him a piece of dead coral. Eric decides to start a  work of the dolphins in this area.

He began collaborating with the DWA (Dolphin Watch Alliance), for the scientific study of a pod of dolphins in the Hurghada zone, and  also with the ONG HEPCA for the protection of the Red Sea.



Die Botschaft der delfine

Peoples love dolphins and they sometimes seem to seek contact with us. What is behind this? What do you want to tell us? How can we interpret their behavior and understand them better? Eric Demay devoted his life to serving dolphins. When he finds himself face to face for the first time with a captive dolphin in a dolphinarium, it's over for him: he does everything he can to study these animals, whose communicative behavior does not correspond at all to the image of a sea creature

Delfine und Wale

From the blue expanse of the Mediterranean to the turquoise waves of the Bahamas to the cold waters of New Zealand - Éric Demay lets us immerse ourselves in the wonderfully diverse world of dolphins and large whales. Fascinating photos show the animals in their wet element - suckling their young, gliding through unfathomable depths and meeting people. Open up, dive in!

L'homme qui parlait aux dauphins

For the first time, Eric Demay, a leading cetacean specialist, recounts in a book all of the experiences he has had with marine mammals. Charged with emotion, his testimony is proof that we can approach dolphins in an intelligent way. His story is also an awareness.


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